Peanut Allergies Affect Over 4 6 Million US Adults, Study Says

Ask her for advice on what you can order that doesn’t have peanut ingredients — or order the same thing she does — and you can kiss her goodnight with no problem. Learn more about this allergic reaction, including why it happens, the symptoms, and how to manage it. Experts advise that a peanut allergy may also cause worsening of existing eczema. FARE’s mission is to improve the quality of life and health of those with food allergies through transformative research, education, and advocacy.

How can I take care of myself if I have a peanut allergy?

But they think that early exposure can certainly help at-risk infants. In a clinical trial earlier this year, doctors recruited children with peanut allergies. They gave them a small dose of peanut powder and slowly increased the dose over time. Sure enough, the children’s immune systems became accustomed to the powder and nearly all of them were able to build up a tolerance to it. In the United States, food manufacturers are required to list if their foods may contain allergens, including tree nuts.

The expiry date of the adrenaline injection should always be checked regularly. Then when the kids were 5 years old, they were brought in for one final experiment. All of them were instructed to eat some type of peanut protein. Of the kids who ate peanut snacks regularly since infancy, 3.2% had developed a peanut allergy. But the kids who avoided peanuts altogether, were much worse off. More than 17% of them had developed an allergy to a nut that they had never consumed.

FDA approves first drug for treatment of peanut allergy for children. Infants who have severe eczema or an allergy to eggs are at a higher risk of developing a peanut allergy. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction requiring immediate medical attention.

What tests help diagnose a peanut allergy?

However, it also advised parents to refrain from introducing peanuts to a child during the first six months of their life. In addition, the Department of Health recommended that mothers breastfeed children for at least the first six months after birth. If you and your girlfriend are going out for a meal together, choose what you eat carefully.


Ice cream or yogurt shops could be places of accidental exposure because peanuts are common ice cream toppings. Make sure your child’s epinephrine autoinjector is always available. An injection of epinephrine can immediately reduce the severity of a potentially life-threatening anaphylactic reaction, but it needs to be given right away. The only way to prevent a reaction is to avoid peanuts and peanut products altogether.

Likewise, having another type of allergy, such as hay fever, increases your risk of having a food allergy. An allergic reaction may occur if you inhale dust or aerosols containing peanuts, from a source such as peanut flour or peanut oil cooking spray. If you are considering dating someone with food allergies, you’ll need to get acquainted with their emergency plan in case they are exposed to the substance they are allergic to. Even if you are very careful, a restaurant might still cross-contaminate your food. With the honeymoon phase in the rearview mirror, your significant other will be blunter with how they feel about eating out at certain restaurants, or keeping certain foods in the house/apartment.

Seek emergency treatment if you have a severe reaction to peanuts, especially if you have any signs or symptoms of anaphylaxis. Call 911 or your local emergency number if you or someone else displays severe dizziness, severe trouble breathing or loss of consciousness. However not everyone with a food allergy has the same threshold for reactions, and especially severe reactions. For example, only about 5 to 10 percent of all people allergic to peanuts will react at all if they eat a trace amount, let alone have a severe reaction to that level. If your doctor thinks you might have a peanut allergy, they will probably send you to see a doctor who specializes in allergies. The allergist will ask you about past reactions and how long it takes between eating a peanut and getting the symptoms, such as hives.

If you are away from water, use baby wipes to clean hands instead of hand sanitizer, since hand sanitizer does not remove peanut protein. In the United States, there is no federal mandate to address the presence of allergens in drug products. You should always have medicines with you to stop a serious allergic reaction. No one chooses to have these allergies, but I have chosen to start a petition to the U.S. House of Representatives and the United States Department of Transportation asking to ban all nuts on airlines. And if my terrifying experience can maybe help save a life, then it would have been worth it.

If someone sees a person experiencing anaphylaxis, they should seek emergency medical attention immediately. As an adult, you can manage a peanut allergy by carefully avoiding peanuts. You may need to carry epinephrine if you have severe allergies that could lead to anaphylaxis. Feeding infants small amounts of peanut-containing foods can lessen the chances that they will develop an allergy.